Tuesday 17 June 2014

Video Self Portrait

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbP8QES16mQ

This is my video self-portrait. My plan was to use my casts to show aspects of myself. With my two cats I was able to show different things. I also used my cats because they’re important to me and I love them, so that showed a part of who I was. I wanted to show some interest but my cats wouldn’t cooperate. I used some of that footage to show my disobedience.

I used 2-5 second video clips to keep it interesting and keep moving the video along. I mostly used full shots of my cats to keep the audience at a distance. I chose a quote that showed my love of cats. I chose to show the words on screen because I wanted the audience to read something, because I’m a bookworm. The music was quiet because I wanted the video to be calm and peaceful.

With the black cat I showed the more calm side of me: quiet, reserved, lazy, unproductive and disobedient. With my other cat I showed aggressiveness.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Illustrator Assignment

Original Photo
PNG File

 a. I used a PNG file because my image has many colours and I wanted to make sure all the colours would show. 

b. I used the pen tool for the whole image, I tried to use as less anchor points as possible by re-doing things until I got them the way I wanted them.

c. The main challenge I faced was trying to make everything circular. I overcame it by redoing the lines until it formed an almost perfect circle. Other challenges were the gradients, and the handle on the clock, I overcame these challenges by working on them until I got them right. 

d. I like my final result because it represents the clock in a sort of different way, there are some things I really like, for example I really like the 'numbers' in the cock, I think they represent the image well. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Pixel Portrait

PNG file

GIF file



a. I don't see a difference between the images. BI think the PNG file is a little less bright then the GIF file, the PNG file seems less pixelated. I think the GIF looks better because the colours are more vibrant and it is more pixelated. 

b. I was trying to accentuate my hair, my hat and the scar beside my eye because those are things that i most notice stand out. My choice of colour comes from using the eyedropper tool to figure out the colour it should be. For the sweater I chose the colours based off of my favourite shirt, and I just liked how the colour stood out. 

c. I used a photo of myself and worked over it, I didn't copy it i just used it as a template. The final result is very different from the original photo. I made layers for each part of the picture, like the hat, hair, sweater and face (including my eyes, mouth and nose.).

Thursday 24 January 2013

Colourful Photo

This photo is very colourful, which makes it visually interesting. It looks real, in a sense because of the snow and trees. The sky is very interesting because of the blended colours. I this this was a photo and then edited but it looks like a drawing or painting.

CyberARTS logo

The cyberARTS logo doesn't really describe what CYBERarts is about. Art is creative and colourful, and the tech part is technical. The logo is not very creative, it seems to have no real color in the 'arts' part. It shoes the tech very well with the 'cyber' being blocky and shaded but the arts doesn't give off a creative feeling to it, it's a typographic logo but still doesn't give justice to what CYBERarts is about.


I like the style of graffiti because its creative. Good graffiti is very vibrant and stands out against brick or stone walls. It's not a dualism, it's art.
My favourite art is a spray painted picture of two deers colliding into a wall, it's very colourful and stands out and makes it interesting.
Some examples:

Very colourful and creative.

Cat Photo

This is my cat. I like this photo because its bright and you can see her face clearly. I see the rule do thirds because she is on the top/middle left. There is contrast in her fur, the orange and prple against the brown blanket makes it interesting.